When it comes to fashion, men are out to lunch.
They don’t have a clue, a thought, or even a half-baked hunch.
When the weather gets real hot and the asphalt turns to goo,
Men look for short and tight and hate a dress called Muu.
Guys say the dress is strange and oh so large and baggy,
And women who wear them out, must be somehow haggy.
But these are men in checkered shirts who have had too many beers,
Whose belts have slipped and pants have dipped exposing flabby rears.
The Muu Muu is made for comfort sure with its soft lines flowing,
It can’t help but feel good in there, with summer breezes blowing.
A Muu Muu’s design is all its own with flashing colors bright,
And if the wind picks up enough the owner might take flight.
Men have discarded the beautiful Muu as just an ugly fad,
And this decision they stand by, makes me very sad.
For it’s not the dress that they should see with its colors died,
But the gorgeous women wearing them, Standing there inside.
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